For more information or to participate, email
Wednesday June 17 &
Thursday June 18
8-8:20am - Tabling outside PS75/West Side Collaborative entrance for parents to sign postcards and petition
Thursday June 18
8-8:20am - Tabling outside PS75/West Side Collaborative entrance for parents to sign postcards and petition
Thursday, June 18
6:30pm - Community Board 7 meeting of the Youth & Education Committee
250 West 87th Street, 2nd Floor (87th and Broadway)
Friday, June 19
8-9am - Community flyering and petitioning at 96th St. subway station
Tues, June 23
6:30pm - Landmarks Preservation Committee meeting on designating West End Ave historic district (and whether to exempt PS75/West Side Collaborative block)
Thurs, June 25
8:20am - PROTEST at 95th Street and West End Ave -- in front of 711 West End Ave/P.S.75/West Side Collaborative. We'll march to 105th St. and West End Ave. to deliver a letter to Deputy Mayor for Housing Alicia Glen.
12pm - City Council hearing on PS 163 bill to limit construction noise near schools.