Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sign the petition: Mayor de Blasio, we need your intervention!


Although the proposed construction at 711 West End Ave. would be devastating, there's currently no law or policy that makes it illegal. Developers can apply to do projects that tear apart the community and make our schools, homes, and streets unusable -- and D.O.B. doesn't have too much latitude to reject them.

This particular developer has been tricky, submitting permits to DOB piecemeal to prevent DOB from considering the magnitude of its project. The developer has also outright lied, claiming that the construction project deals with an empty building.

In order to hold this developer accountable, we need the intervention of the Mayor and other city agencies -- DEP, DOE, DOH, DOT, HPD, and others -- to demand real scrutiny of the applications. We need the Mayor's intervention immediately to plug the giant hole in city policy that leaves tenants, public school kids, and residents vulnerable to developers' greed.

The Mayor has not responded to the community yet, so we need to raise our voices louder.
