"In 2014, the neighborhood's 10025 zip code saw six fatalities involving pedestrians compared to just one the previous year — representing the biggest increase anywhere in the city.
"'I am more cynical and disappointed than I ever have been,' said Jane Burbank, 64, a 32-year neighborhood resident. "Changes to local streets have not made the neighborhood feel safer and in fact have caused dangerous traffic backups, she said.
"And with major construction projects like the new Jewish Home Lifecare nursing home planned, Burbank worried the congestion will only increase and make things worse for pedestrians. "'We'll look like a battlefield. It will be very, very dangerous,' added Janet Wasserman, 80, who has lived in the neighborhood for the past 36 years."
Read the article: http://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20150218/upper-west-side/upper-west-side-sees-largest-jump-pedestrian-deaths-despite-vision-zero
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
"Upper West Side Sees Largest Jump in Pedestrian Deaths Despite Vision Zero" (DNAinfo)
9:55 AM
Press Clips, Safety, Vision Zero